Friday, January 31, 2020

Reading Kafka Essay Example for Free

Reading Kafka Essay Reading Kafkas The Trial, especially for the first time, we often experience a blend of precision and obscurity; words, sentences, and single events are clear in themselves, but are linked to each other in ways we cannot always grasp. The blend of precision and obscurity is one of the most remarkable aspects of the style in which The Trial is written. The device is used constantly and consistently throughout the novel, and we assume that it is used like all other stylistic devices, i. e. to throw an aspect of the novel into relief. In an attempt to determine, if possible, what this aspect is, follows a detailed analysis of two paragraphs on pages 159 to 160 that I deem to be characteristic of the blend of precision and obscurity. In the two paragraphs, detail and precision interact with each other to produce a blend. Almost all descriptions are quite in depth, such as the description of the old woman wrapped in a warm shawl, yet these detailed descriptions are not connected with anything else in the book. The old woman does not reappear anywhere else in the book, and no symbolism, hidden meaning or reference becomes apparent after having analyzed the description. In more conventional novels, almost every character that appears is in some way, whether clear or obscure, connected with the main plot or a sub plot. Not so with The Trial. The old womans importance and connection, if indeed there is one, remains open to speculation: perhaps she belongs to the court, perhaps the scrap of what looked like carpet that K sees in the same paragraph comes from her warm shawl, perhaps this enigma is simply a device used by Kafka to confuse the reader. The possibilities and perhapses stretch on into infinity until they are lost in the obscurity of the cathedral. Kafka describes an object, person, or concept in great detail, with very few omissions in order to give the described every semblance of reality, but the meaning of the described is left completely open to the reader. This is the particular blend which casts its mottled shadow on the novel. A possible interpretation of this presence of this blend would be to say that it serves to give the novel a dreamlike, surreal quality. One knows from ones own dreams that certain aspects remain crystal clear in our memory, yet one can almost never remember for sure what the aspects role in the dream was. It is the same way with the blend: an aspect may be clear, but the rest is hazy. Supporting this interpretation would be the fact that K cannot read: he opens his album and looks through the pages for a while, probably only looking at the pictures without reading the text, and eventually has to stop this futile exercise ostensibly because it is too dark. The dream interpretation would also explain the randomness of events, objects, and people. Since the subconscious is left to work unrestricted in dreams, the products can be quite random and utterly impossible to link together or make sense of using logical means. The blend could also be viewed as a method to accentuate the confusion and plunge the reader yet deeper into the obscurity. In the second paragraph, when the candles have been lit, Kafka states that the candles only made the darkness more intense. If the candles and light are taken to represent precision and the darkness obscurity, then Kafka is clearly showing why he has worked the blend in to the novel. It is impossible to judge anything unless one compares it to something else. It is by contrast that we determine what is what. If one is constantly in the dark, one will not consider it dark, because one has become accustomed. Perhaps the candles of precision are there to throw the confusion and the haziness into sharp (or hazy? ) relief. Kafka only allows in any light so that the reader can see that he is bathed in darkness and confusion, and be attracted to the light. However, when the reader reaches the light he realizes the light is hollow as well: it is only aesthetically different from the darkness. In the second paragraph Joseph K. examines an altarpiece with his electric light. K. sees a Knight and looks at it for a considerable period analyzing it in detail without really understanding what the Knight is doing, nor why he was there. However, when K. shifts his light to see the rest of the picture, he realizes that the Knight is only a small piece of a conventional treatment of Christs burial. The parallel between K. and the reader is too strong to be overlooked. The reader, while reading the book, is looking through it one page at a time, attempting to analyze details and connect events. It is as if we too are looking at disconnected close-ups of a large picture. Like a picture, the events in the book are non-linear. They can be read any which way and in any order and still retain the same meaning. Kafka is essentially telling us as readers that we ought to shift our lights as K. does so that the whole of the picture is lit. If the reader focuses solely on one precise aspect, the rest of the picture is bathed in obscurity. Kafka, through the device of precision and obscurity, is telling the reader to take a step backwards and view the novel not as a succession of events like other conventional novels, but rather like a picture, where ones eyes and thoughts may rove freely along any lines that they choose. Only then will the whole come into focus. With reference to the last paragraph, I have been guilty of doing exactly what Kafka tells us not to do: i. e. analyzing in detail a small part of the text. Thus any conclusion that I may draw from these paragraphs alone are bound to be erroneous. However, draw a conclusion I will. I believe the blend of obscurity and precision is used to immerse the reader completely into the confusion of the text while at the same time advising the reader to take a step backwards. Given Kafkas rather eccentric sense of humor, I think it is quite possible that he believed pulling the wool over the readers eyes was uproariously funny, especially when the wool has directions telling how to lift the wool sewn on the inside, where it is too dark to see.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Oscar Wilde Art Essay -- Oscar Wilde Writer Papers

Oscar Wilde Art We begin another chapter in the life of Oscar Wilde, the year 1888, many things have taken place, Oscar has been married and bore two children, Vyvyan and Cyril and his touring of the United States and other countries have brought forth success to the literary giant. Some of his successful writings are "The Picture of Dorian Gray"(1891), "A Woman of No Importance"(1894) and his most resent essay known "The Decay of Lying". Is it true that lying has fallen to its deepest shadow of shame? In the words of Wilde it is shamefully true. How could this type of atrocity take place, it seems that the Victorian society is still under the belief that the Romanticism of life is still coursing through their veins, dead veins as Wilde might best put it. Oscar views romanticism as crude and childlike, and something that should remain in the past. Wilde has criticized the likes of Wordsworth and other writers of the Romantic Era, if they had their way they would continue to send us into nature and recommend the following advice: "The solutions to societies problems can best be remedied here, within the confines of nature, this is where you should be. Walking, talking, and embracing the great outdoors and receiving all that nature has to offer. Here is where you can find yourself." Wilde's view of this remedy is outlandish, extreme and insane. It was Wilde’s observation that the literary works of the day no longer offered the reader a source of delightful fiction, there was a cry out for a change and it was, Wilde who answered that call in the form of an essay called "The Decay of Lying". This essay was a wake up call to the present day writers about their failure in their Art. There needs to be a clear explanation of ... ... his fellow writers to will follow in his path, this form which is to see art for the simple purpose of being art. Works Cited Page Abrams, Donaldson, David, Smith, Lewalski, Adams, Logan, Monk, Lipking, Stillinger, Ford, Christ, Daiches, Stallyworthy. Norton Anthology of English Literature, New York and London Published 1993. Laver, James. Oscar Wilde, Great Britain, Published in 1954 Sullivan, Kevin. Columbia Essays on Modern Writers, Ocsar Wilde New York & London Published 1972 The Victorian Web. Oscar Wilde ,<> 10/28/99, <><Internet Explorer Browser> <> <> 10/28/99 Wilde, Oscar. Poems and Essays, Great Britain Published in 1956 Oscar Wilde Art Essay -- Oscar Wilde Writer Papers Oscar Wilde Art We begin another chapter in the life of Oscar Wilde, the year 1888, many things have taken place, Oscar has been married and bore two children, Vyvyan and Cyril and his touring of the United States and other countries have brought forth success to the literary giant. Some of his successful writings are "The Picture of Dorian Gray"(1891), "A Woman of No Importance"(1894) and his most resent essay known "The Decay of Lying". Is it true that lying has fallen to its deepest shadow of shame? In the words of Wilde it is shamefully true. How could this type of atrocity take place, it seems that the Victorian society is still under the belief that the Romanticism of life is still coursing through their veins, dead veins as Wilde might best put it. Oscar views romanticism as crude and childlike, and something that should remain in the past. Wilde has criticized the likes of Wordsworth and other writers of the Romantic Era, if they had their way they would continue to send us into nature and recommend the following advice: "The solutions to societies problems can best be remedied here, within the confines of nature, this is where you should be. Walking, talking, and embracing the great outdoors and receiving all that nature has to offer. Here is where you can find yourself." Wilde's view of this remedy is outlandish, extreme and insane. It was Wilde’s observation that the literary works of the day no longer offered the reader a source of delightful fiction, there was a cry out for a change and it was, Wilde who answered that call in the form of an essay called "The Decay of Lying". This essay was a wake up call to the present day writers about their failure in their Art. There needs to be a clear explanation of ... ... his fellow writers to will follow in his path, this form which is to see art for the simple purpose of being art. Works Cited Page Abrams, Donaldson, David, Smith, Lewalski, Adams, Logan, Monk, Lipking, Stillinger, Ford, Christ, Daiches, Stallyworthy. Norton Anthology of English Literature, New York and London Published 1993. Laver, James. Oscar Wilde, Great Britain, Published in 1954 Sullivan, Kevin. Columbia Essays on Modern Writers, Ocsar Wilde New York & London Published 1972 The Victorian Web. Oscar Wilde ,<> 10/28/99, <><Internet Explorer Browser> <> <> 10/28/99 Wilde, Oscar. Poems and Essays, Great Britain Published in 1956

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Discussion and Lab Questions Essay

Discussion Questions: Who is someone that you feel you have a positive relationship with? What role do you think openness and truthfulness have in making this relationship positive?- I think that I have a positive relationship with my high school coach because she is always there for me if I need something and she listens to what’s have to say. Even though she is older then I am, I feel like we are best friends and we understand each other. I think they have an effect on the relationship because without trust and being open with them, they maybe will not trust you and May have a hard time believing what you are saying. What effects do you think the various types of media (TV, Internet, newspapers, Facebook, etc†¦) have on your own life and your family? Do you think the overall effect is negative or positive? How can parents reduce the negative effects?-I think it has a big effect on the family because everyone is always on their phone and you never are able to have a family discussion on how things are doing. They are always focused on the internet, tv, phones, etc. 5.09 Lab Questions: 1.How can parents avoid temper tantrums?- Parents can avoid temper tantrums by having a plan for when they are put into this situation. 2.What are the A, B, Cs?- The A is attribute and that is what you would want your child to learn. The B is the behavior that you want your child to accommodate with what you have learned. C is the compassion that you want your child to compare with their behavior. 3.Do you think using consequences and following the ABC process will help shape a child’s behavior? Why or why not?- I do think that the ABC process with help as long as the consequence is related to what they did and will make a difference. The child will also realize that you are serious and will want the consequences to stop to change their behavior. 1.What are some of the reasons why people may not talk to babies as much  today as they used to?- They probably don’t talk to them as much because the parenting structures have changed and people now are much too busy. 2.Why do you think developing language skills is important for a child? – I think developing language skills is important because it affects their ability to make friends, be sociable and emotionally good people. 3.What are some of the ways that parents can encourage the development of language skills? – Parents can encourage the development of language skills by communicating with their child and listening to them so that they can practice and not feel as stressed when they talk to people.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Bond Energy Definition in Chemistry

Bond energy (E)Â  is defined as the amount of energy required to break apart a mole of molecules into its component atoms. It is a measure of the strength of a chemical bond. Bond energy is also known as bond enthalpy (H) or simply as bond strength. Bond Energy Explained Bond energy is based on an average of bond dissociation values for species in the gas phase, typically at a temperature of 298 Kelvin. It may be found by measuring or calculating the enthalpy change of breaking a molecule into its component atoms and ions and dividing the value by the number of chemical bonds. For example, the enthalpy change of breaking methane (CH4) into a carbon atom and four hydrogen ions, divided by four (the number of C-H) bonds, yields the bond energy. Bond energy is not the same thing as bond-dissociation energy. Bond energy values are an average of the bond-dissociation energies within a molecule. Breaking subsequent bonds requires a different amount of energy.